Pioneer Cemetery

Tooele County is home to a beautiful and important landmark, the Settlement Canyon Pioneer Memorial Gardens, which was established to commemorate the creation of a memorial garden for early pioneer graves. The graves had been periodically disturbed by construction projects and then relocated further away from State Route 36, prompting the Sons of Utah Pioneers’ Settlement Canyon Chapter to take action.

On July 24, 2000, a new monument was dedicated at the mouth of Settlement Canyon to mark the creation of the gardens. The Daughters of Utah Pioneers and Tooele City also joined forces with the Sons of Utah Pioneers to create and dedicate the old pioneer cemetery. Lamar Penovich generously donated the property for the memorial gardens, while Tooele City provided the labor and materials for the garden’s construction.

Today, visitors can explore the beautiful and peaceful grounds of the Settlement Canyon Pioneer Memorial Gardens, which is lovingly maintained by the Settlement Canyon Chapter – Sons of Utah Pioneers. This attraction serves as a reminder of the area’s early pioneer history and the contributions made by those who came before. Don’t miss the chance to experience this unique and historically significant attraction in Tooele County.