Grantsville City 4th of July Celebration
Grantsville’s Independence Day celebration will be held on Tuesday, July 4th, 2023.
Starts with breakfast at 7:00 am and a flag-raising ceremony at 8:00 am.
Click here for the schedule of events.
Parade at 11:00 am. There are a few items we would like you to know for the Parade this year as patrons:
- Citizens will be allowed to set up starting at 7 am on July 3rd, anything (chairs, tents, ropes, etc.) set up prior to this will be removed by the city. This will give everyone an equal opportunity to get the perfect spot to watch the parade as well as alleviate the chance of your items being stolen or broken.
- This year the parade entries will be going directly down the center of our main street. While youth are out gathering candy Grantsville City asks that you please do not allow them to go any further than the outside lanes going both East and West bound, this will help to ensure their safety as well as all the entrants.
Cherry Street Park Activities:
*The Barrus Race starts at 7:00 am for kids 12 and under. 7:30 am for 13 and up. Click here to register and click here to pay. They are separate forms.
*Car Show starts at 10:00 am.
*Talent Show begins at 12:30 pm.
*Vendors at the park from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.